My goodness, my goodness. I really neglected this thing here.
Well. What happend?
Yes, Mama and have been to Jordan. 15.-22. November. And I must say it is a really impressive country with breath-taking landscapes and an unimaginably social culture. Disadvantage/Advantage is a foreign word in the law and as it is such, it is - not lived. Every in the country living people have the same rights responsibilities. Outsiders often throw Jordan into political cliches which actually apply to its neighbouring countries.
In reality it is a land that suffers from suppression through its neighbours. They more and more withrdraw the population of Jordan of their basic survival need: water. For not letting the capital die of thirst, a fossile ground water lake is being connected to Amman via pipeline. But what, when it is empty? What, when Israel won't stop damming up Jordan's rivers and poisoning them with chemical waste? What, when the Dead Sea is dried out finally? Jordan dies. The cradle of mankind, thousands of years of cultural and art history still die, as the population is being extincted systematically. Jordan will only remain being an empty spot of desert on the map if Israel won't reduce its lust for power.
Well, well.
What else?
7.12.: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
Ouh yes! Magnificent! And though only the foretaste of the actual final XD XD XD
Snce 22.12. I have the official authorisation to operate a motorized vehicle beneath the Maximum Authorized Mass in excess of 3 500 kg.
AAAAAAAnd: 24.12.:
Gamergirl goes Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! (Photo will come...unfortunately stayed with Papa :( )
and in about 71h I played Twilight Princess through > . > *ggg*
And just moments ago I was blamed of having stolen a picture that was made by myself O_o Idiots.