Yes, I'm still alive.

10.10.2015 - 23:23

It's been a long, long while and the one or other being in the online world has hopefully wondered about my whereabouts..
The fact is, nothing happened here lately, BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED! Apart from my Cosplays though. Yet please go here for more.
Since I'll be attending HobbitCon in Bonn,Germany in April, there still won't be much going on around here. But no worries. It's still all soaring around in my head. :3

Let's say, I try to promise myself to update at least some areas of this website throughout the next few months. Wish me luck.

P.S.: From now on you can put your oar in.

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Top Crap is now available

25.05.2015 - 02:11


Hi guys! I got some great news from Za- oh wait. I'm not Cara. Damnit. TV's on way too often.

Never mind. I hope at least some people missed me, and since I figured it takes much more time to create a video about the ton of info I could have put into endless text no one bothers to read, I MADE ANOTHER VLOG!!

:DDD lol

Here you go. Hope you're all fine. Sorry for neglecting this page. Still having issues with my time management. Meh. :/
And thanks to you, who still cares.
Llllllllllama on, everyone!

" . . . There are many doors.

Where they lead, is not always clear.

Only Janus might know, what lies behind.

So we should never open a door irresponsibly.

Or better let it remain shut.

Though – who never opens a door, will never know, what lies behind . . . "


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens