
06.12.2013 - 23:30


I swear, this is the last entry for today!


But I had to mention that thanks to two dreams, my SciFi novel is preceding as well.

Therefore there is a new category on the page.


Saint - Niccolò...

06.12.2013 - 23:28


It's almost over, but the 6th of December is not only the day to honour the Holy Nicolas, bishop of Myra, but also the namesday of the grand


Niccolò Paganini!




Thank you for your music!

The Green Hill

06.12.2013 - 23:23


Finally all recordings are done and all the pictures and information online.


For all of it, go here...


I would like to thank each and everyone who have animated this beautiful piece of music!!!

Two grand concerts!!

Thank you very much! :)

Page changes and novel revamp

Friday, 13.09.2013, 17:00


I've been planning adding the possibility to comment on news entries for a long time. If anyone reads that and is interested in it, please tell me via the Guestbook.

Also will the N.E.W.S. be sorted annual from now on. I post far too less to make so many subfolders necessary. Everything existing stays as it is however.


Meanwhile I've so to say finished "Until I Die" and it needs only some changes.

That makes me be quite in the mood to work over my novels once more.

I started checking through Ilionej I and there will be a load of changes. Most are of minor nature, but they are necessary and I'll also do some bigger changes. For example, chapter 1 got deleted completely. I don't need it. The information on what happened will be woven into the plot. It's much better, I think. But I won't say too much. After all it's not published yet; which I'm glad about; and I said too much on this page here already anyway.

And bye. :)

01.09.2013, 11:00 GMT


Sitting on the train to Scotland. Phone will be usable earliest in July. But you may send me the one or other owl. :) ... Though no Howlers please. Thanks.



03.06.2013, 17:20


I am quite desperate happy to realise, I am meanwhile working/planning on 24 costumes.


Thus please consider that my time is rare, but I do my best to work as much as possible on each costume as well as my FanFictions and my novel series.

The disadvantage when intending to do so many things is of course consequent lack of general time. The advantage, you always have a fallback procedure if you get stuck at one point. ;)


I just wanted to let all of you know that neither story has died, but I am currently more openly focused on Cosplay. "Until I Die" is done now and needs some things checked, then I will start to put it online and continue working on "Three Days" and the Ilionej books.

Next to that, I also have a couple of pictures I got to finish. SO PLEASE BE PATIENT! I'M NOT DEAD! QUITE THE CONTRARY!


For the time being, happy creating, everyone out there!



Donated Items

05.06.2013, 19:30


From now on I am asking for donated items, which I will collect. Near Graz only!!!

Further details on my Cosplay page.



Thank you! ^^



New Year's Resolutions...

16.02.2013, 18:40


...are meant to be be broken. ^^


No, honestly, again 1 1/2 months passed in this new year and it feels like there's no progress, though I know I actually did a whole load. After all I again wrote almost 2 novels in the form of a FanFictio("Until I Die") virtually overnight - er in about 8 months - and alongside sacrificed a small fortune for the preservation of the Austrian economy(Cosplay projects). We'll shove the university far aside on that point here, okay? :3


So yes, my is on sailing(if not really in terms of drawing or "Three Days"), the money from my secret accumulatings as well, and I'm heading after it all. But so far I'm quite happy with my self-imposed overemployment.


Ilionej Over.

" . . . There are many doors.

Where they lead, is not always clear.

Only Janus might know, what lies behind.

So we should never open a door irresponsibly.

Or better let it remain shut.

Though – who never opens a door, will never know, what lies behind . . . "


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens